
Showing posts from May, 2021

Liberal arts.

Risk of recurrence.

Send ROVER right over.

Slow to change.

Healing rays.

The great ablate.

Making progress?

45 is the new 50.


Choosing wisely.

Supply chain.

Charting a new course.

Triple threat.

Slim fit.

Liver be.

Open BID.



You can keep CATNON temozolomide.

No taxation without representation.

A net gain.

Profiles in courage.

The invisible enemy.

Deluxe apartment in the sky.

The days are short, but the years are long.

Calcium supplement.

Formalize formality.

Advanced outcomes.

SRSly lacking.

Dart from the Dartmouth experience.

Conservation science.

First things first.

Space for error.

Just a bad memory.

Timing is everything.

Full on.

An apal a day.

Dose does it.

Pub-lic recognition.


About time.

COVID-19 endgame.