
Gabapentin for mucositis prophylaxis during head and neck chemoradiation is an interesting concept but not cemented as standard of care. This pooled analysis of two prospective trials of gabapentin given at varying doses asks if maybe we’re just not consistently giving enough. They assessed three daily dose cohorts: 900 mg (n=29), 2700 mg (n=31), and 3600 (n=32). As hypothesized, the proportion of patients requiring opioids during radiation was significantly stratified by dose, with rates of 93% with 900 mg, 61% with 2700 mg, and 38% with 3600 mg. Additionally, time to first opioid use was longest in the 3600 mg cohort. Finally, rates of feeding tube use were 21%, 45%, and 9%, respectively. | Ma, JAMA Netw Open 2022


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