Reportable event.

Patients receiving chemoradiation for head and neck cancer have a heavy symptom burden from their disease and treatment. Can patient reported symptom scales be used to predict their risk of ED visits or hospitalization? In this prospective population study from Ontario, Canada, nearly 12,000 patients with HN cancer completed the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) during treatment. ESAS asks patients to describe how they feel in 9 symptom domains with a 0-10 scale. Among patients in the study, there was a strong dose-response relationship between ESAS score and the risk of ED visit or hospitalization over the next 2 weeks. In particular, any score of 10 was associated with a 15% risk of subsequent ED/hospitalization. Pain, appetite, shortness of breath, and tiredness were most strongly associated with ED/hospitalization risk. TBL: ESAS patient-reported symptoms are an effective tool at identifying patients with head and neck cancer who may need more intensive outpatient care to prevent an ED visit or hospitalization. | Noel, J Clin Oncol 2021


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