
Stats surrounding gender equity in oncology continue to lag far behind other areas of medicine, which brings us to this data-packed call-to-action from myriad female leaders in the field of radiation oncology. It reports that last year the proportion of female applicants to rad onc (28%) was in the company of urology, ortho and neurosurgery—one of those fields doesn’t fit with the others. Maybe a millennial med student living in the year of the woman looks around and decides to enter a field where one day she can be the boss lady. In that case she would be making a calculated decision in passing over rad onc, a field whose past 60 annual presidents include only 4 women. How can we fix it? By using millennial technology to show the world the current and future women leaders of the field. TBL: Join SWRO in the #WomenWhoCurie social media movement this Wednesday, November 7. | Holliday, Adv Radiat Oncol 2018


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