HYPORT, bye eight weeks of treatment.

Headline: Salvage prostate radiation can be safely and effectively hypofractionated.

The Study: NRG GU003 evaluated hypofractionated post-operative radiation (HYPORT) in the adjuvant (not really en vogue today) or salvage setting. Nearly 300 men (90% with PSA <0.5) were randomized to 2.5 Gy x 25 = 62.5 Gy versus the standard 1.8 x Gy x 37 = 66.6 Gy. Of note, the HYPORT regimen has a slightly higher EQD2 to critical structures. The primary goal was to demonstrate non-inferiority of EPIC GI and GU scores at 24 months, which it did. Granted, at the end of treatment, HYPORT had a greater decline in EPIC scores, they recovered by 6 months. As expected, there was no difference in time to progression. | Buyyounouski, ASTRO 2021


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