Challenge accepted.

The majority of patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) will relapse. But after an initial good response and disease-free interval with platinum doublet therapy, is it best to rechallenge with a platinum doublet or switch to second-line therapy? In this French phase 3 trial, over 150 patients with SCLC progression at least 90 days after finishing initial therapy were randomized to another course of carboplatin and etoposide or second-line topotecan. Carbo/etopo rechallenge resulted in a significantly longer median progression-free survival compared to topotecan (2.7→ 4.7 months). TBL: Re-challenge with carbo/etoposide is more effective than topotecan in patients with SCLC progression after a 3 month or more disease-free interval. | Baize, Lancet Oncol 2020


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