Groin pains.

The (virtual) society of gynecologic oncology annual meeting this week brought us abstract reporting from the Z-0011of vulvar cancer. GROINSS-VII was a single-arm phase 2 trial for women with clinically N0 vulvar cancer <4 cm with positive sentinel node sampling. All received 50 Gy adjuvant radiation to the ipsilateral groin in lieu of full inguinofemoral dissection. Interestingly, interim analysis signaled an increased risk of recurrence with nodal mets >0.2 cm or with extracapsular extension (ECE) so an amendment was made to exclude those cases. Among 129 women who received adjuvant groin radiation without nodal dissection, only 2 isolated in-groin failures occurred with another 2 in the contralateral (sentinel node-negative) groin. TBL: Women with early-stage vulvar cancer with ≤0.2 cm sentinel node involvement without ECE can safely forgo full nodal dissection if receiving adjuvant ipsilateral groin radiation. | van Der Zee, SGO 2020


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