Down under investigation.

This Aussie Medicare database demonstrates some interesting \prostate cancer trends between 2002 and 2016. With decreased PSA screening, the incidence of prostate cancer decreased quite a bit from roughly 200 → 140 cases per 100K. At the same time, the proportion of those diagnosed receiving treatment has increased, namely among those in the 7-9th decades of life, presumably due to longer life expectancies. Finally, looking only at those receiving treatment, rates of radical prostatectomy and external beam radiation have held strong through the years. Brachytherapy, on the other hand, has seen a dramatic decrease in the last decade, looking both at low-dose rate (18 → 7 per 100K) and high-dose rate (11 → 3 per 100K) techniques. TBL: Trends in prostate cancer care in Australia pretty well follow concurrent data on PSA screening and treatment recs, which may mean we see another reversal in rates and type of treatment with the next decade. | Roberts, BJU Int 2019


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