X gon’ give it to ya.

Treatment options are majorly limited for recurrent high-grade glioma (HGG). In a phase 1 study reported in JCO last week, patients with recurrent HGG were treated with intratumoral injection of an oncolytic virus by the (obviously not trade) name DNX-2401. DNX-2401 is an adenovirus designed to be selectively taken up by tumor cell integrins and then replicate in cells with Rb defects before throwing down some oncolysis. Almost three-quarters of patients had a tumor response. The median survival was 13 months, and a surprising 5/25 patients survived >3 years with durable responses. TBL: The oncolytic adenovirus DNX-2401 is effective in patients with recurrent HGG, and a subset of patients appear to have remarkable durable disease control. X gon’ deliver to ya.


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