PORT authority.

Have you ever stuttered when asked in tumor board about the evidence for post-op radiation for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC)? If the answer is yes, this contemporary look at outcomes of patients treated at UC Davis and Wash U is for you. Among 350 patients receiving treatment for cSCC of the head and neck, those receiving adjuvant radiation (n=176) had significantly longer overall survival. We know what you’re thinking: bias much? Well, those in the adjuvant radiation cohort were also significantly more likely to have way worse disease. The benefit with radiation was most drastic among those with PNI where disease recurrence or death was cut to less than half and among those with regional disease where it was slashed to less than a third. TBL: Here’s another win for current guidelines with data indicating a disease-free and overall survival advantage with adjuvant radiation for head and neck cSCC with nodal disease or PNI. | Harris, JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018


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