
This massive tumor sequencing endeavor of early-onset prostate cancers cleverly reveals “clock-like” somatic mutations (meaning they reliably increase with age) in APOBEC3, a gene responsible for mRNA editing. Taken together with other better-understood mutations in things like androgen receptor and DNA repair pathways, four molecular risk groups were derived to effectively stratify intermediate-risk disease. And the clear loser was the one associated with ESRP1 mutations. The most fascinating / slightly terrifying part is that these molecular classifications can be used in isolation to predict basically everything about the cancer’s past, present (including its host age), and future. The even more terrifying name of the predictive model? PRESCIENT, supposedly an acronym for “prediction of sequential changes in the evolution of nascent tumors.”  TBL: The predictive sequencing model PRESCIENT can tell you a scary amount about where prostate cancer came from and how it will behave. | Gerhauser, Cancer Cell 2018


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